NSP Scholarship PFMS Status Check 2024-25 | NSP Scholarship Paisa kab aayega 2024-25 | Track NSP Payment 2024-25 ||

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Today this article I am going to talk about nsp scholarship pfms status check 2024-25. How to check a scholarship status 2025 dbt status scholarship amount status and pfms update. When will come NSP scholarship money 2024-25 fresh and renewal.

I am going to talk about complete procedure track your payment status and pfms new update.NSP Scholarship PFMS Status Check 2024-25 | NSP Scholarship Paisa kab aayega 2024-25 | Track NSP Payment 2024-25.

How to Check National Scholarship PFMS Status 2024-25

Visit the PFMS Portal: Go to the official Public Financial Management System (PFMS) website: pfms.nic.in.

Navigate to ‘Track NSP Payments’: On the homepage, click on the ‘Track NSP Payments’ option.

Enter Required Details:

  • Bank Name: Select your bank from the dropdown menu.
  • Account Number: Input your bank account number.
  • NSP Application ID: Enter your National Scholarship Portal application ID.
  • Captcha Code: Fill in the verification code as displayed.

Submit Information: Click on the ‘Search’ button to view your scholarship payment status.

National scholarship Payment Update 2024-25

  1. Submit your national scholarship form 2024-25
  2. Your form have to verify Institute level verification
  3. Now you are farm have to verify district nodal state nodal verification
  4. Now the current status is showing application find the verified by district nodal
  5. The next step if you are applying fresh scholarship now generating the merit list
  6. If you apply renewal scholarship no merit list generate direct sent to pfms for payment
  7. After pfms you are record will show pfms portal your payment will generate by Ministry
  8. If your form did not verify till now you will not receive scholarship because all verification deadlines has closed.
  9. Check your status truly you are farm has verified or not your farm has rejected or defected there is no option to edit your form now again submit

NSP Scholarship DBT Check 2025-26

Scholarship to the identified students (as certified, verified by the institutions under this scheme) will be disbursed by UGC through DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) Mode and will be transferred to the Bank account of student. This procedure will be completed through PFMS https://pfms.nic.in/SitePages/DBT_StatusTracker.aspx.

NSP Scholarship ka paise kab aayega 2024-25

nsp scholarship ka paise kab aayega 2024-25. Students want to know scheme wise scholarship payment and merit list 2024-25. national scholarship recent update budget has released. scholarship amount depends scheme wise ministry. scholarship has been started phase wise payment renewal students. Compare to last year scholarship procedure are fast and smooth. The Expected Scholarship amount will be recieve month of April 2025. March time generate the merit list & now will recieve the scholarship payment.