National Scholarship UGC PG Tweet Campaign 2025 | Tweet Campaign NSP PG Scholarship | NSP PG Payment 2025 ||
Today this article i am going to talk about tweet campaign National Scholarship UGC PG Tweet Campaign 2025 | Tweet Campaign NSP PG Scholarship | NSP PG Payment 2025. The objective of ‘National scholarship for PG studies’ is to provide financial assistance to Indian students leading to award of Postgraduate Degree.
Students who are admitted in the first year of PG degree programme through ‘Regular/Full Time’ mode in an eligible university/ college/institution are eligible to apply. In case of integrated programmes, the scholarship shall be given for PG component only. The age limit is 30 years. The scholarship is available only for students who are pursuing recognized PG degree programmes leading to specified PG degrees notified by UGC from time to time i.e. the nomenclature and duration of course should be as per UGC Notification on Specification of Degrees, 2014, as amended from time to time.
Ten thousand (10000) National Scholarships or as may be decided by the Commission, at the rate of Rs.15,000/- per month for 10 months in a year, are available for Indian students for two years to pursue higher studies, within India, leading to award of Postgraduate Degree under the scheme ‘National Scholarship for Post Graduate Studies’
NSP PG Scholarship Merit list 2024-25
The selection shall be made strictly as per the merit of candidates except in case of ‘Single/Twin/Fraternal Girl Child’. The slots shall be allocated as per Govt. of India reservation policy. However 30% slots will be reserved for the women candidates. Further, 50% of slots under each category are earmarked for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Law, Management and other 50% are earmarked for Science, Engineering & Technology, medical, technical, agriculture, forestry programmes. In case of tie/more than one candidate having similar marks in their UG examination, at the lowest level of merit list, the list shall be further short listed/segregated on the basis of marks obtained by them in Under-graduation (UG). In case, there are still more candidates in the merit list as compared to the desired/declared slots, further short listing shall be done on the basis of marks obtained by candidates in XII class. The result shall be declared normally in the month of November/December of the same year by NSP. The candidates shall be able to check their result on the National Scholarship Portal by using their User ID and Password generated at the time of filing online application. The results shall also be uploaded on UGC website at
NSP PG Scholarship Payment 2023-24 Update
The national scholarship PG 2023-24 merit list was generated in October 2024, but the amount has not yet been received. The students form status shows the application file was verified by the state nodal officer, and the merit list action shows yes, but as of now, the status did not change. As per the RTI information, the payment file will be generated after the availability of funds. This type of information is available from the Ministry, so when will the NSP PG payment for 2023-24 come? Because fresh students have not yet received payment, how will they receive payment renewal? So that’s why today is the first day for starting the tweet campaign for NSP PG 2023-24. It is the last and only option to release the fund to the ministry, so that’s why all students will support the tweet campaign scholarship for 2023-24. All unity and all support will be expressed in the tweet, and the post will be shared.
NSP PG Scholarship Payment Status check 2024-25
1. First, you need to check the National Scholarship PG form status. If your form status shows the application, find the verified State Board model officer and show the merit list section.
2. Go to the National Scholarship website, click the previous form status and application ID, and password, fill in the CAPTCHA code, click, and log in.
3. Check that you are aware of your scholarship’s current status.
4. Your status after the merit list: your payment status will go to the PFMS portal.
5. Click the PFMS portal direct link and check the first DBT status: Is your bank account seeded or not? Hand check the NSP status: Is your payment file generated or not? Is your account valid or not? This type of information you should check.
NSP PG Scholarship Tweet Campaign 2025 |
Release Money #Nationalscholarship#UGCPG2023_24. Merit list was generated on october month but not yet recieved scholarship payment. Students have been waiting for approximately 2 years. Release_scholarship_money UGC_PG_Payment The post highlights a delay in scholarship payments for the UGC PG 2023-24 program, with students waiting nearly two years since the merit list was generated in October, urging the UGC, PMO, and Education Ministry to release the funds. Click Link Tweet Campaign